Like I said before...I'm dedicating this blog not only to my art work but also some insight on my path to getting the final image, a little description of the piece of work, ideas/sketches of future projects, and a lot of random posts now that my phone is capable of posting images and text on this blog.
Feel free to chime in.
Critique is always appreciated.
This page shouuuuld fill up quickly.
I have a lot of projects to come back and check it out!
And also...if you have any special requests for photography, photoshop work, or what ever it may can reach me @
The photos below were taken in Encinitas, CA.
The sunset photographs came out a lot better than what I expected. I'm not one to photograph sunsets...but I had to post these.
Encinitas is such a cool place to live in...I suggest to everyone that they should visit southern California at some point in their lives. Buy a ONE-WAY won't want to leave.
Oh yeah...the first photo is of blinds in a window.
(Click any photo to expand)

What up Brad!
Just wanted to let you know I'm checked out all your photos you've posted so far. Very awesome man! I agree with you on the sunset photos. Usually it seems they're very cliche, but those turned out really well. I'm partial to the black and white ones. They seem subtle because of the color, but somehow they seem to show a ton of action with the blurs. Anyway, great work my friend! You still doing some graphic design or anything like that? Hit me up with some of that!!
What's up, duuuuuude!
Thanks for the comment. I do have a lot of stuff I could show you. I'm so out of it right now...I've had no sleep this week. I will get in touch with you and show you some stuff.
holy shit man, you're talented! hope you really get some good work with photography. Cali looks beautiful from the pics here.
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