Friday, September 26, 2008

LAM : (

Some graffiti I shot today underneath a bridge in Cardiff.

I was scouting out a few locations to do some small shoots at. This one has a lot of potential...

There are 3 images here...the top 2 are the edited has a bit more added to it, as you can see.

The last image is the original image.



Saturday, September 20, 2008

ROXYJAM 2008 (Cardiff, CA)

(Click the image to expand)

Kelly Nicely, surf contestant.

Stretching before she went out to compete. This moment was too good not to capture. I knew this shot would be a sweet one.

This is another image of Kelly...


Taylor Scully, 2 1/2 years old.

A small booth had face painting and the kids were all over it. I don't think I ever got my face painted, as a kid. hmmm....


Ahhh.....the good ol' days. Crashing out in your parents arms...


Another surfer that I don't know. haha. This is what I get for going to my first surf contest. If you know her...let me know so that I can give her a name.


I have a few photos of this kid burying his face in this bag of Goldfish. Classic...haha.




The winner of the Women's Professional class.


Kassia Meador.

The face of ROXY...not hard to see's a pic (below) that i found online that does her justice.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Fire Ceremony Part 2

Ahhhhhh.....finally. These are the last of the photos from the fire ceremony.

(Click the image to expand)

The Oldies

I found a few old projects I did way back for school and fun. It's interesting to look back and see how you've progressed over time or how you've changed your way of doing things.

The Starbucks image was a fun one.....I started out with a white pair of Nike Air Force Ones and edited everything about it. I was bombed off Starbucks, so naturally, I had to make something in dedication to them giving me the highest caffeine rush every morning.

Gym Class Heroes is one of my favorite groups. When asked to make a poster in school, I knew exactly what I was going to do. Not the best ... but it means a lot to myself.

The Five image is of Interstate 5 here in California. I was snapping some images going down the road at night and liked the way it look when i left the shutter open and moved my camera around in circles. I took a few of the images and put them together to get what you now see.

The one of Myself doing some dumb move...I don't know. I liked the over-exposed look in this photo and rolled with it. Simple, clean....coooool.

Mike Chopp likes to jump over couches at high speeds. haaaaaa

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fire Ceremony Part 1

I have a lot more photos of this fire ceremony to put up but I'm getting pushed out the door for dinner.

Each photo is done a little bit differently...enjoy 'em.

(Click on a photo to expand)

Erin S.

A few head shots done in Point Loma.
Tweaked each photo a little different to give an array of looks.

(Click on the photos to expand)